Quick Reference Guide for Helping those in Acute Suicidal Crisis
This is the first of its kind. A Quick Reference Guide that gets to the point of how to help a spouse, child, a parent, a sibling, a close friend, or someone who in the middle of the night, calls you on the phone wanting to die by suicide.
This is not an EBook that you need to read from cover to cover. Find that section you need, whether it be the warning signs that someone you love and care for is thinking about suicide.
Or, how do I ask, and what do I say to find out if they want to kill themselves, and what do I do if they say "yes?"
This EBook written by a Psychologist and Suicidologist provides you everything you need to Suicide-Proof you Home and other locations.
You will know how to work with your friend or family member to develop a safety plan so the next time they think of wanting to die by suicide they will know what to do.
You will also find in the Quick Reference Guide the facts about suicide and the misconceptions that keep us from helping those we work with, those at our church or agency, and those in our home safe from a suicidal crisis.
The final section of this quick reference guide will provide you apps for know what to do if you are on site with someone who needs help from completing suicide, as well as, smartphone apps for depression screening and mood monitoring for your friend or loved one.
Finally, as a Bonus, you will be provided a link to download the EBook in PDF that has helped keep thousands alive in America, "Suicide: The Forever Decision."
This is one reference guide you do not want not to have close to you when the school calls when a teen or adult walks into your workplace office, or your spouse text you or calls you and says, "I can't do life anymore."
This Quick Reference Guide for Helping those in Acute Suicidal Crisis, equip you to save lives.