After a Suicide Attempt: What Do We Do Now?
What do you do now? Your loved one or friend has felt the depression and living life and they cannot endure the pain any longer so they try to die by suicide. However, the sought after "completed" suicide is now called a suicide attempt; because they lived.
Now, what do you do? What should I do if this isn't their first attempt?
What do you do right after they are released from the Emergency Room? They are now living with you so what should you talk about, should you rearrange your home to make sure they are safe?
If you are a spouse, parent, child or teenager of someone who attempted suicide, how should you act, what should you say, how do you live with the fear that they might try and "complete" suicide.
What do you say, how should you talk to them? Are there things you shouldn't say, words or memories that you should not bring up because you might cause them to attempt again?
How can you understand why they tried to die by suicide? How do you make sure your friend or loved one doesn't have access to things that could end their life? How do you "Suicide-Proof" your home?
How can you reach out to a friend or family member who has attempted suicide but they live so far away? How do you help them?
For the first time in written form, this Ebook penned by Dr. Mike Ferguson, Psychologist/Suicidologist, and Mental Health Coping Skills Coach writes to the friends and family members of someone who has attempted suicide.
In a very clear, concise, and practical guidance, you will know what to do when you return from the Emergency Room with your loved one who tried so hard to die by suicide.
Now that you are back home with your hurting spouse or teenager, you will understand fully how to make the return home, less awkward.
This Ebook provides you with ways to keep your friend or loved one safe, with reducing access to lethal means, and developing a collaborative safety plan to ensure your son or daughter does not seek to "complete" suicide while home with their family.
You will read a section about how to help the children in your home process their parent's or sibling's suicide attempt. The instruction you read in this one section will help the children in your home and family will not seek to solve their emotional pain through suicide.
Finally, like no other resource on the web, Dr. Mike has provided you a host of Smartphone Apps that can help you understand the moods of your loved one, Apps that provide you with a quick emotional evaluation giving you insight into how Depressed, Anxious, and how severe is their Bipolar or PTSD diagnoses.
You will find Smartphone Apps that provide immediate access to the best supporting friends and family members, as well as, Text and Call Helpline numbers to help you and your family member walk through very dark moments.
This Ebook, unlike anything found on the web, is a comprehensive resource so you can know what to do after a suicide attempt.
In addition to all that is listed here, you will be given access to a confidential, private channel to Dr. Mike, and if you would like, to a support group of others who have walked, as you have, through someone you love and care about that has sought to die by suicide.
This Ebook, After a Suicide Attempt: What Do We Do Now? is one of few books that provide's practical direction in what to do after a suicide attempt.
There are many books and organizations that can help after a "completed" suicide, but how does a family manage after an attempt?
When faced with one of the most painful events of our lives, this Ebook will be your playbook. For the sake of your friend or loved one who attempted suicide, read this Ebook and know how to help!
Here are the Contents:
C o m i n g H o m e f r o m t h e E m e r g e n c y R o o m
F i r s t T i m e V e r s u s R e p e a t A t t e m p t
B a c k H o m e : Y o u r l o v e d o n e i s h o m e , n o w w h a t ?
S p o u s e s
P a r e n t ( s )
C h i l d r e n
W h a t t o S a y t o a n A t t e m p t e r
W h a t N o t t o S a y t o a n A t t e m p t e r
W h a t T o E x p e c t
S y m p t o m s o f g r i e f
W h y ?
E x p e c t a l o t o f a n g e r
B e k i n d
T h i n g s y o u c a n d o t o s u p p o r t y o u r f r i e n d
R e d u c i n g a c c e s s t o l e t h a l m e a n s
S m a r t p h o n e A p p s t h a t a r e U s e f u l A f t e r a n A t t e m p t
3 M i n u t e D e p r e s s i o n , A n x i e t y , B i p o l a r , a n d P T S D
A s s e s s m e n t A p p - W h a t ' s M y M 3
C o n c l u s i o n